160-4 Hurlingham Road


October 2022 - A new proposal has come forward, please see the link www.160-164hurlinghamroad.com. The design is similar but the use is less intense and post construction should be less disruptive.

June 2021 - With the reduction in the need for office space now that so many are likely to continue to work from home for at least some of the week, the developers are considering using the building as a care home.

August 2019 – Plans agreed on appeal for a building of 2, 4 and 5 storeys, with a low building adjacent to the Hurlingham Road houses, becoming higher as it approached the New Kings Road and the railway.

A planning application was lodged in July 2017 to demolish all buildings and structures on site except for the façade to the Building of Merit (the Charles Ivey entrance). Marek Wojciechowski Architects designed a building of 2, 4 and 5 storeys, with a low building adjacent to the Hurlingham Road houses, becoming higher as it approached the New Kings Road and the railway. The scheme attracted significant opposition from neighbours. Recommended for approval by planning officers the scheme was turned down by the planning committee. The scheme won consent at appeal in August 2019. 

Planning permission had been granted in 2017 for a smaller scheme with 2 and 3 storey buildings. (Ref 2017/02950/FUL and 2018/01638/FUL)  

The present single storey building along Hurlingham Road was built in the 1880s as a London General Omnibus depot. That use ended in 1920 and it has since been used for light industry and warehousing.  Some of the site was occupied by Chelsea Upholstery and some by Charles Ivey who serviced Porsches.

The Conservation Area was extended on 2nd July 2002 to include the building.


Refinery Building, Manbré Wharf, Chancellors Road


Fulham Town Hall